Health & Safety
Safety Solutions that Operate in Practice
All businesses are legally required to assess the risks of work activities to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and others that may be affected, providing safe work environments.
We have the skills to take the risk out of safety to protect your brand and reputation.
Risk assessments form the basis of Health and Safety Management Systems that require safe systems of work, policies, procedures, auditing and training to be effectively implemented.
Risk Assessments for Evolving Businesses
- Fire Safety
- Manual Handling
- Display Screen Equipment
- Work Equipment
- Working at Height
- Workplace Transport
- Expectant & Returning Mothers
- Chemical & Hazardous Substances
- Work Experience & Young People
To Help your Business Get Started:
Out of Sight but Never Out of Mind!
Contractors and sub-contractors are commonly used by businesses to deliver essential services:
Maintenance Cleaning Catering Delivery Construction
Contractors and sub-contractors are commonly used by businesses to deliver essential services, for example maintenance, cleaning, catering, delivery and construction.
Managing contractors can be challenging due to the nature of their work, equipment used, environments and hours worked, causing a headache for businesses to effectively control.
We can help you manage the risks by completing a thorough assessment of their activities and operations to ensure only competent and compliant contractors are appointed.
Monitoring systems can be developed and swiftly implemented that are straight forward to operate and demonstrate fulfilment of legal safety duties, placing you in control of contractor management.
Experts in Safety Compliance
- Safe Contractor Scheme
- Contractor Health & Safety Scheme (CHAS)
- The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
Is your Business a Fire Starter?
Fire is one of the greatest threats to a business and with the potential to start almost anywhere, prevention is the only effective method to avoid it destroying lives and livelihoods.
We can help to document fire safety systems to safeguard people and protect assets.
Bespoke to your operations, our systems have the flexibility to incorporate Client and Landlord arrangements that will demonstrate fire safety compliance to any visiting Fire Officer.
Essential Services to Secure Fire Safety
- Fire Gap Analysis
- Fire Safety Policy & Procedures
- Fire Risk Assessment & Action Plan
- Emergency Evacuation Planning
- Audits & Training
Can your Business Demonstrate Compliance & Results?
Risk based and bespoke Auditing Programmes deliver a snapshot of safety performance to let you see exactly what is really happening in your business. We design programmes that capture any aspect of activities in single to multi site operations at UK, European and International locations.
Auditing Programmes
- Compliance Audits
- Legal Compliance & Internal System Monitoring
- Safe Contractor & Contractor Health & Safety (CHAS)
- BS & ISO Standard Preparation & Checks
The key to making Health and Safety Management Systems effective is how they operate in practice. This will depend on attitudes and behaviours. Our Learning & Development Packages help everyone understand why getting it right first time is so important.
Learning & Development Packages
- Practical Induction Modules
- Role Training & Refresher Skills
- Safety Management Courses
- CIEH Level 1-4 Health & Safety Qualifications